We offer custom solutions for growing data needs

We are team of experienced data engineers ready help you with whatever data problems you face

Our Services

From Gray-Beard Consulting To Custom Data Services

Gray-Beard Consulting

We've done just about everything related to data, and learned a ton of lessons along the way. If you need expert consultation on how to ingest, extract, transform, store, search, or query data, we can help!

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Fully Managed Solutions

We install, configure, and manage any infrastructure needed to solve your problem. Like a cloud provider you pay for only what you use. Unlike a cloud provider, our prices are much more affordable.

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Custom Data APIs

At no up-front cost, we will build a custom API to a managed backend infrastructure. You pay for only the service you use, but get a service custom-built for your needs. Sounds too good to be true, contact us!

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Frequently Asked Questions

The short answer: price! The longer answer: we provide custom-built solutions to solve your specific problems, and then manage the infrastructure for you. You get all the benefits of a public cloud provider, but tailored to your specific needs, and without the egregious costs!

We will consult on architectures, databases, storage best practices, and everything else around data storage and retrieval. We are software engineers, system administrators, and database specialists who have decades of experience with data engineering, and general infrastructure engineering. Contact us to see if we can help!

Our goal is to be your long-term partner in solving whatever problem you might have. As such, we do not charge an up-front fee if you agree to use our fully managed service for 1-year. If you decide not to use our service for some reason, then we ask only to be paid for the work we completed.

Our goal is to solve your data problem. Often times the best way to do this is to design a backend leveraging open source technology, and place a custom-built API in the frontend. This way you can easily access your data to build whatever product or internal service you need. This combination of picking the right backend, and designing a custom frontend is what sets us apart.


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